Saving you money
year after year

We source and compare electricity and gas prices from the major power suppliers and secure the best deal for your business.

POWER BOOKER provides a professional and impartial service, always acting in the best interests of our clients. We place your business at the heart of everything we do.

We are equally happy to provide this service remotely by telephone, email or Zoom, or by meeting you at your business premises.


Great deals - year after year

POWER BOOKER will auto-switch you to the best rates as soon as your existing contract runs out, ensuring you keep saving money year after year. We will always check with you first before switching supplier.


We are independent

POWER BOOKER is independent and will always pick the best deal for your business. We exist to look after your interests and importantly, we are not aligned to any power company.


Green energy

Is green energy important for your business? Let us source a green energy contract for you – better for you, better for your customers and better for the planet


Energy saving tips/advice

Did you know that grants of up to 20% are available to upgrade or install LED lighting? We secure grant funding for energy saving initiatives that are available to your business.


Tariff checking service

Is your business on the right tariff? Being on the wrong tariff adds unnecessary running costs. We analyse your consumption pattern to determine when you are using the most electricity. We engage with your supplier to make sure you are matched to the right tariff for your business, maximising savings on your bill.
